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MaxStat 3.6

MaxStat MaxStat 3.6

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MaxStat Publisher's Description

MaxStat is easy-to-use and affordable software for scientific data analysis. Statistical analysis is done in three simple steps within a single dialog window. MaxStat guides user with little experience in their statistical analysis. MaxStat supports over 100 statistical procedure, which are commonly used in the analysis of scientific data. Other features are the easily understandable way to interpret the results and making high-quality graphs, which fullfill standards of publishers of scientific books and journals.

MaxStat includes a complete word processor, and it's the place to store notes and reports with your data analysis and graphs. Everything stays together in a single project file, and you don't need to search anymore for notes on your desk! You can even write reports and manuscripts as adding images, tables and lists are very easy. With a single click you can transfer results and graphs as well.

MaxStat is very easy to use through its modern user interface, and it supports statistical procedures, which are commonly used in the analysis of scientific data. Therefore, using MaxStat is easy and quick to learn, and additional features and an integrated textbook supports the less-experienced user in the right selection of statistical procedures.

What's New in Version 3.6 of MaxStat

Minor updates

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